Find publications from Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System and Integrated Care Board.
Find publications from Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System and Integrated Care Board.
This policy sets out the process to be followed and reporting arrangements in the event that a provider or potential provider of services disputes the procurement/contracting/ commissioning or related decision-making decisions.
Details of gifts and hospitality received by NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB staff.
Following a request from the Secretary of State for Health all Integrated Care Boards are publishing information on their staffing structures and costs. In the attached document you will be able to find information about the staffing of Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, including numbers and grades of staff and the total salary cost of each team.
This procurement policy sets out the framework within which Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) will work to ensure that the development of commissioning strategies, and any associated procurement activities, directly contributes to the ICB’s corporate aims and objectives and meets legal requirements.